Welcome to the Palestine Cinema movie database

The return of Osiris (2019)
Origin: Egypt | Documentary | Director: Essa Grayeb | 14 minutes
Found footage of Egyptia movies and television, edited to reconstruct Nasser's speech of resignation in 1967 according to the original text by using elements appropriated from popular culture.

The Road to Palestine (also: The Way to Palestine) (1985)
Origin: Germany | Documentary | Director: Layaly Badr | 7 minutes
the life of Layla and her friends, who tell us how they imagine Palestine despite them having never seen it

The Road to Silverstone (2013)
Origin: Finland | Palestine | Documentary | Director: Johan Eriksson | 57 minutes
Palestinian mechanical engineering students succeed in building Gaza’s first Formula racing

The roller, the life, the fight (2024)
Origin: Belgium | Documentary | Director: Elettra Bisogno, Hazem Alqaddi | 83 minutes
Hazem arrives in Belgium after a painful journey from Gaza. At the same time, Elettra arrives in Brussels to study documentary film. Their first moments together the camera becomes the tool they share for understanding.

The Roof (2006)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Kamal Aljafari | 61 minutes
The roof of the title is an absent one, on the unfinished house where Aljafari's family has lived since their resettlement in 1948

The Salt Fisherman (2011)
Origin: Israel | Fiction | Director: Ziad Bakri | 18 minutes
A fisherman lives alone. His days and nights are marked by waiting. He rises with the sun and carries his anxieties and tools to the sea, where he fishes. What's behind his days?

The School at Khan al-Ahmar (2017)
Origin: UK | Documentary | Director: Helen Eisler | 17 minutes
The story of the ‘mud and tyre’ school at Al Khan Al Ahmar and its immenent destruction

The Secret World (2009)
Origin: Unknown | Fiction | Director: Nicholas Rowe | 65 minutes
A group of Palestinian school children wake up one day to find all the adults have disappeared

The Settlement (2015)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: stopthewall.org | 3 minutes
3 min. Video by 'Stop the Wall'

The Settlers (2016)
Origin: France/Canada/Israel/Germany | Documentary | Director: Shimon Dotan | 110 minutes
Hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens have established expanding communities in the occupied territories of the West Bank