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Ajal Wing
Ajal Wing (2019)
Origin: Jordan | Documentary | Director: Tasneem Abu Sokkur | ? minutes

Echo section of the field

Ajami (2009)
Origin: Israel Germany | Fiction | Director: Scandar Copti & Yaron Shami | 124 minutes

Israeli Arab drama film. Its plot is set in the Ajami neighborhood of Jaffa

A Journey
A Journey (2006)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Lamia Joreige | 41 minutes

Joreige's film recalls the history and conflicts of the region, while reflecting on time and loss

A'lam (2022)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Saleh Saadi | 25 minutes

Before May moves to the United States, she spends her last night in Jerusalem with Nassim, involving tricky encounters and difficult conversations.

Al Amari (After the rain)
Al Amari (After the rain) (2006)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Sylvain Calves | 52 minutes

The film explores the social, political, and economic innerworkings in the refugee camp of Al Amari

A Land Without Borders
A Land Without Borders (2017)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Michael Alalu | 62 minutes

Writer Nir Baram travels across the West Bank when he loses faith in the two state solution

Al Dhakira al Khasba (Fertile Memory)
Al Dhakira al Khasba (Fertile Memory) (1980)
Origin: Belgium Palestine | Fiction | Director: Michel Khleifi | 99 minutes

A portrait of two Palestinian women whose individual struggles both define and transcend politics

Al Fatah - Palestina
Al Fatah - Palestina (1970)
Origin: Jordan | Documentary | Director: Luigi Perelli | 79 minutes

A film report on the Al Fatah movement: the daily activities in the refugee camps, the organisation of the Resistance, testimonies of political and military leaders, among them Arafat, etc. etc. etc.

Al Helm: Martin Luther King in Palestine
Al Helm: Martin Luther King in Palestine (2013)
Origin: USA | Documentary | Director: Conny Field | 96 minutes

Play about the too-short life of Dr. Martin Luther King

A Life Exposed
A Life Exposed (2020)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Breaking the Silence | 31 minutes

Militairy invasions of homes in the West Bank