Welcome to the Palestine Cinema movie database

Ajal Wing (2019)
Origin: Jordan | Documentary | Director: Tasneem Abu Sokkur | ? minutes
Echo section of the field

Ajami (2009)
Origin: Israel Germany | Fiction | Director: Scandar Copti & Yaron Shami | 124 minutes
Israeli Arab drama film. Its plot is set in the Ajami neighborhood of Jaffa

A Journey (2006)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Lamia Joreige | 41 minutes
Joreige's film recalls the history and conflicts of the region, while reflecting on time and loss

A'lam (2022)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Saleh Saadi | 25 minutes
Before May moves to the United States, she spends her last night in Jerusalem with Nassim, involving tricky encounters and difficult conversations.

Al Amari (After the rain) (2006)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Sylvain Calves | 52 minutes
The film explores the social, political, and economic innerworkings in the refugee camp of Al Amari

A Land Without Borders (2017)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Michael Alalu | 62 minutes
Writer Nir Baram travels across the West Bank when he loses faith in the two state solution

Al Dhakira al Khasba (Fertile Memory) (1980)
Origin: Belgium Palestine | Fiction | Director: Michel Khleifi | 99 minutes
A portrait of two Palestinian women whose individual struggles both define and transcend politics

Al Fatah - Palestina (1970)
Origin: Jordan | Documentary | Director: Luigi Perelli | 79 minutes
A film report on the Al Fatah movement: the daily activities in the refugee camps, the organisation of the Resistance, testimonies of political and military leaders, among them Arafat, etc. etc. etc.

Al Helm: Martin Luther King in Palestine (2013)
Origin: USA | Documentary | Director: Conny Field | 96 minutes
Play about the too-short life of Dr. Martin Luther King

A Life Exposed (2020)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Breaking the Silence | 31 minutes
Militairy invasions of homes in the West Bank