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The Shebabs of Yarmouk (Les Chebabs de Yarmouk)
The Shebabs of Yarmouk (Les Chebabs de Yarmouk) (2011)
Origin: France | Documentary | Director: Axel Salvatori-Sinz | 12 minutes

A moving film about life in the Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria

The Shepherdess
The Shepherdess (2019)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Fida Ataya | 11 minutes

The story of Salty Valley and Sweet Spring in the Jordan Valley, while combining dance and animation

The Shepherd Women's Secret
The Shepherd Women's Secret (2016/17)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Basma Sweity | short minutes

About Fatima 75 years old and Um Al Abed 90 years old, which are shepherds since they were 10 years old

The Shooter
The Shooter (2007)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Ihab Jadallah | 8 minutes

Palestine is occupied by the international media

The Shouting Fence
The Shouting Fence (2004)
Origin: Unknown | Fiction | Director: Monica Steen | 48 minutes

The Shouting Fence based on a picture in a newspaper showing a Palestinian woman with a megaphone.

The Silent Protest: Jerusalem 1929
The Silent Protest: Jerusalem 1929 (2019)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Mahasen Nasser-Eldin | 20 minutes

On 26 October 1929, Palestinian women launched their women’s movement

The Silent war: Israel’s blockade of Gaza
The Silent war: Israel’s blockade of Gaza (2010)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Kashfi Halford | 10 minutes

This film explores the consequences of the crippling siege of Gaza

The Smell of Paradise
The Smell of Paradise (1982)
Origin: Lebanon | Documentary | Director: Omar Amiralay | 42 minutes

About the situation in which Palestinians lived in 1982, including the invasion and siege of Beirut, the exit of the Palestine Liberation Organization from Beirut, as well as the Sabra and Shatila massacre,

The Smile of the Lamb
The Smile of the Lamb (1986)
Origin: Israel, Palestine | Fiction | Director: Shimon Dotan | 97 minutes

Hilmi’s adopted son turns to terrorism and is subsequently shot by Israeli security forces. He takes his physician friend hostage and threatens to execute him unless Israel immediately withdraws from the Occupied Territories.

The Soldier's Opinion
The Soldier's Opinion (2022)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Assaf Banitt and Shay Hazkani | 57 minutes

From 1948 onward the Israeli military censorship examined soldiers’ letters under the guise of preventing the disclosure of military secrets ánd stored them, resulting in a top secret report “The Soldier’s Opinion."