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Antenne (2021)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Bashar Murad | 4 minutes

ANTENNE (2021), directed by singer and video-artist Bashar Murad, vibrantly satirize gender performativity in the context of occupation through impossible pop-art-ized landscapes including Murad provocatively dancing on a tank.

An Untimely film for every one and no one
An Untimely film for every one and no one (2018)
Origin: Palestine Armenia USA | Documentary | Director: Ayreen Anastas | 90 minutes

Adaptation of Nietzsche’s “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” in the contemporary Arab world

An Unusual Summer
An Unusual Summer (2020)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Kamal Aljafari | 80 minutes

Life in the Palestinian district of Ramla in Israel

An Unusual Summer
An Unusual Summer (2020)
Origin: Palestine Germany | Documentary | Director: Kamal Aljafari | 80 minutes

Following an act of vandalism, the filmmaker's father decides to install a surveillance camera to record the scenes unfolding in front of the house

A Palestinian mural
A Palestinian mural (2008)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Norma Shiheiber | 5 minutes

Attempt to create a campus mural featuring Edward Said and Palestinian culture

A Palestinian woman
A Palestinian woman (2006)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Andrew Courtney | 28 minutes

Documentary, filmed alongside the wall that Israel continues to build in the West Bank

Apart (2013)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Sami Shehade | 20 minutes

An accordion player who left Gaza in 1995 to study music in the West Bank

Apartment 10/14 (Suspended Time)
Apartment 10/14 (Suspended Time) (2013)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Tarzan and Arab Nasser | 8 minutes

On a birthday between dream and reality

A pen from Megiddo
A pen from Megiddo (2017)
Origin: Palstine | Fiction | Director: Muhammad Hushieh | 10 minutes

The film revolves around Eman and her conflict with time

A People Without a Land
A People Without a Land (2014)
Origin: USA | Israel | UK | Palestine | Documentary | Director: Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon | 78 minutes

The story of individuals who have moved beyond traditional notions of Zionism and are working to build a future based on integration rather than separation