Welcome to the Palestine Cinema movie database

Amos Gitaï, Violence and History (2021)
Origin: France | Documentary | Director: Laurent Roth | 76 minutes
Movie about the work of filmmaker Amos Gitaï

Amos Oz – The Nature of Dreams (2009)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Yonathan Zur, Masha Zur | 75 minutes
A portrait of the renowned Israeli author Amos Oz, following his memoir, "A Tale of Love and Darkness"

Amreeka (2010)
Origin: USA | Fiction | Director: Cherien Dabis | 96 minutes
The quintessential immigrant tale, journey with Muna “a single mother from Palestine"

A Muslim Among the Settlers (2018)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: unknown | 17 minutes
“Why would an Israeli Jew choose to live in the West Bank?” That’s the question that motivates writer Wajahat Ali to travel to Israel in a new documentary from The Atlantic. Ali, who has been critical of Israel, embarks on a personal quest

Ancestral Sin, the (2017)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: David Deri | 109 minutes
“Population dispersal” policies in the first decades of Israel's independence

And a image was born (2017)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Firas Khoury | 9 minutes
Palestinian two years old Razi loves to hear the story of The Monster. The story is an allegory of the Palestinian problem but he is too young to comprehend the political association, he just wants to imagine and live through its details over and over aga

And an image was born (2018)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Firas Khoury | 9 minutes
The two-year old Palestinian boy Razi loves to hear the story of “The Monster”

And I Was There (2020)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Eran Paz | 65 minutes
Director Eran Paz documented as a young soldier himself and his unit during actions in the West Bank against Palestinians, to confront his past 18 years later.

And yet my mask is powerful (2016)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme | 8 minutes
Neolithic masks taken from the West Bank and surrounding areas, and stored in private collections are hacked and 3D-printed

Angel of Gaza (2021)
Origin: USA, Palestine | Documentary | Director: Ahmed Mansour | 23 minutes
A 10-year Malak narrates her family's arduous journey of romance, sacrifice and reunification with her father, in the US, after 7-year of forced separation.