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The Qalandiya report
The Qalandiya report (2004)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Tamar Goldschmidt | 8 minutes

Palestinians queuing at the infamous Qalandiya checkpoint between Jerusalem and Ramallah

The Quiver of the Branch by the Wind
The Quiver of the Branch by the Wind (1989)
Origin: Egypt | Fiction | Director: Majdi el Omari | 25 minutes

A film about a Palestinian refugee questioning his yearning and belonging for a place he does not even know

Therapy (2017)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Ibrahim Handal | 3 minutes

Feeling loneliness while things are changing from the bright side to the darkness without explanation, seeing how people around act and react

The Red Army-PFLP Declaration of World War
The Red Army-PFLP Declaration of World War (1971)
Origin: Japan Palestine | Documentary | Director: Masao Adachi & Kôji Wakamatsu | 69 minutes

Militant filmmaking and vital testimony to an era of global revolutionary beginnings

The Red Stone
The Red Stone (2012)
Origin: Qatar | Documentary | Director: Ahmad Damen | 50 minutes

This documentary focuses on Palestinian areas of west Jerusalem that were occupied and depopulated in 1948

There is still ka'ek on the sidewal
There is still ka'ek on the sidewal (2001)
Origin: Unknown | Fiction | Director: Ismail Habash | 27 minutes

A classic story by Ghassan Kanafani

The Reports on Sarah and Saleem
The Reports on Sarah and Saleem (2018)
Origin: Palestine | Germany | Netherlands | Mexico | Fiction | Director: Muayad Alayan | 127 minutes

The affaire of a married Palestinian man and a married Israeli woman in Jerusalem takes a dangerous political dimension

The return of Osiris
The return of Osiris (2019)
Origin: Egypt | Documentary | Director: Essa Grayeb | 14 minutes

Found footage of Egyptia movies and television, edited to reconstruct Nasser's speech of resignation in 1967 according to the original text by using elements appropriated from popular culture.

The Road to Silverstone
The Road to Silverstone (2013)
Origin: Finland | Palestine | Documentary | Director: Johan Eriksson | 57 minutes

Palestinian mechanical engineering students succeed in building Gaza’s first Formula racing

The Roof
The Roof (2006)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Kamal Aljafari | 61 minutes

The roof of the title is an absent one, on the unfinished house where Aljafari's family has lived since their resettlement in 1948