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The Land of the Settlers
The Land of the Settlers (2005)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Chaim Yavin | 55 minutes

With a handheld camera, Yavin traveled throughout his homeland of Israel and interviewed a range of Palestinians and Israelis in order to document the Israeli–Palestinian conflict

The Land speaks Arabic (La Terre parle arabe))
The Land speaks Arabic (La Terre parle arabe)) (2007)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Maryse Gargour | 61 minutes

Based on Zionist historical sources La Terre Parle Arabe trains a historian and a filmmaker’s eye on the explosive truth, one involving cleansing the land of Palestine of its inhabitants.

The Largest Mammals in Jerusalem / עונת הרבייה של הדחפורים
The Largest Mammals in Jerusalem / עונת הרבייה של הדחפורים (2012)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Nitsan Shorf Domidiano | 9 minutes

Cynical parable about a giant species of mammals fed on a diet of Palestinian homes

The Last Days of April
The Last Days of April (2021)
Origin: Belgium | Documentary | Director: Laurence Buelens and Jean Forest | 24 minutes

In April 1949, after many battles and massacres by the Israeli army, a group of villagers of Battir protect their homes by using candles, sticks and other forms of trickery

The Last Friday
The Last Friday (2011)
Origin: UAE Jordan | Fiction | Director: Yahya al Abdallah | 88 minutes

Divorced taxi driver Youssef (Ali Suliman) settles into a downbeat life of backgammon, poker, and sombre resignation

The Last Hour
The Last Hour (2012)
Origin: Jordan Palestine | Fiction | Director: Roua Nazar | 12 minutes

Story of a young boy who delivers bread from his father's street cart daily

The Last Sky
The Last Sky (2024)
Origin: Palestine, Lebanon | Documentary | Director: Nicholas Hanna | 53 minutes

The genocide in Gaza and escalating war between Israel and Hezbollah in 2023/2024, focussing on the largely overlooked perspective of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. Shot in 2004 and 2024, the film sheds light on the context of the conflict

The Last Ten
The Last Ten (2014)
Origin: Gaza | Fiction | Director: Hatem Tag | 6 minutes

During Israel’s 2014 war on Gaza, a family in Gaza receives a dreaded phone call from the Israeli military

The Law and the Prophets
The Law and the Prophets (2023)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Joshua Vis | 114 minutes

About those struggling to fight the injustices embedded within the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and those living in Israel.

The Law in these parts
The Law in these parts (2011)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Ra´anan Alexandrowicz | 100 minutes

Can justice truly be served in the occupied territories given the current system of law administered by Israel for Palestinians?