Trip along Exodus (2014)
Origin: Lebanon, Palestine | Documentary | Director: Hind Shoufani | 120 minutes
Trip along Exodus
Hind Shoufani | Lebanon, Palestine | 2014 | DCP | Arabic| English subtitles | 120 min.
This film explores the last 70 years of Palestinian politics seen through
the prism of the life of the filmmaker's father, Dr. Elias Shoufani, a
leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and an academic and
leftist intellectual who was one of the leaders of the opposition to Arafat
within Fatah for 20 years. Born in Ma'liya in the Galilee and educated at
the Hebrew University and with a PHD from Princeton, the multilingual and
erudite Dr. Shoufani was also the Arab world's leading analyst of Israeli
affairs for more than a generation. Using betamax, VHS, 8mm, 16mm, HD
video, DV video, stills and animations/graphics, this documentary is an
archival film tracing 70 years of Palestinian history in his life, from the
Galilee in 48, to Princeton university in the 60's, to Beirut in the 70's
and to the current war in Syria today. The film recreates Palestinian
history using archive, family photos/8mm films, old photos, cartoons,
animation, macro-photography footage, worldwide ...
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/112111458