They were promised the sea (2013)
Origin: Canada Morocco USA Israel | Documentary | Director: Kathy Wazana | 74 minutes
They were promised the sea
Director: Kathy Wazana, Canada/Morocco 2013, 74 min., Arab./Engl./Fr./Hebr.
with En. ST
Filmmaker Kathy Wazana was born in Casablanca. Her family left Morocco when
she was 10 years old with thousands of other Jews. 35 years later Wazana
goes back to find out what made these people leave their homes and what
made a few ones stay. In her documentary road movie she follows different
stories at scattered places. The filmmaker draws a diverse portrait of the
Jewish-Moroccan identity, unveiling the complexity of multiple cultural,
religious and social factors, as well as the intricate political and
societal issues in Jewish-Arab relations in the last hundred years. They
Were Promised the Sea is a personal and a universal record of a collective
history and heritage, which critically examines the dominating dichotomy of
friend and enemy.
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/theywerepromisedthesea
View trailer