The Shooter (2007)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Ihab Jadallah | 8 minutes
The Shooter
Ihab Jadallah 2007 fiction 8 min.
"Palestine is occupied by the international media. It is being staged by
the international media for sensational newscasts. Palestinians have become
"performers" of dramatic international evening newscasts..." Jadallah's
short film looks in this way to explode questions of violence, stereotypes,
conflict, and consumer media from the perspective of a new generation of
aspiring artists based in Palestine. Detached from many of the daily
horrors of the occupation, Ramallah filmmaker and artist Jadallah feels
himself nonetheless compelled by producers, funders, collaborating artists,
and viewers to present himself and his work in accordance with a
"metascript" composed of victims, violences, and shooters. The film is at
once a parody and a rejection of these constraints.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFBfrPWQhyc
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