The Goodness Regime (2013)
Origin: Norway Palestine | Documentary | Director: Jumana Manna & Sille Storihle | 21 minutes
The Goodness Regime
Jumana Manna - Sille Storihle 2014 | Creative Documentary | 21 min
Shot in Norway and Palestine, The Goodness Regime creatively explores the foundations of the ideology and self-image of modern Norway-from the Crusades to the diplomatic theatre of the 1993 Oslo Peace Accords. Archival footage of political speeches and clips from Hollywood films are woven
together with a series of enactments by children, in which they recount the myths, historical events, and cultural personae that have propelled this understanding of the Scandinavian nation. In a satirical deconstruction of the "goodness regime," the artists explore the past moral dilemmas of one of the wealthiest countries on earth.
The film looks at the Oslo Accords, signed by Israel and the PLO: through secret, back-channel diplomacy, Norway facilitated a series of meetings that led to the two sides signing a Declaration of Principles. The Oslo Accords became the first major example of the Norwegian model for conflict
resolution, and the country successfully managed to brand itself as a peacemaker. However, the Accords were in a fact a political failure, and an obstacle in the struggle for Palestinian statehood. This case study reflects the resilience of the Norwegian self-image and highlights the pitfalls of a national dream of goodness.
The film, which was supported by Arts Council Norway, Sharjah Art Foundation, Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond, Norsk Fotografisk Fond, andOffice of Contemporary Art Norway, premiered at Kunsthall Oslo exactly 20 years after the conclusion and signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993.
The Goodness Regime is a creative documentary exploring the myths and images that have enabled an understanding of Norway as a nation of peace and benevolence.
"So this goodness regime uses the world as a narcissistic mirror for Norway. This mirror also points to the position of Palestine as the 'ace card' of global politics, which most countries want a hand in because it services their positioning in the world"
Jumana Manna
Full feature: https://www.thegoodnessregime.com/Film
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