Off Frame AKA Revolution Until Victory (2016)

Origin: Palestine | France | Jordan | Lebanon | USA | UK | Documentary | Director: Mohanad Yaqubi | 62 minutes

Off Frame AKA Revolution Until Victory

by Mohanad Yaqubi 2016 | Documentary | 62 min

Off Frame AKA Revolution Until Victory is a meditation on the Palestinian
people's struggle to produce an image and self-representation on their own
terms in the 1960s and 1970s, with the establishment of the Palestine Film
Unit as part of the PLO. At that time, the Palestinian revolution
collaborated with filmmakers, actors, and activists from Syria, Italy, UK,
Lebanon, France, Germany, Argentina, and many others, and made partnerships
with institutions in Berlin, Moscow, Baghdad, and Cuba. Despite their
prolific output, few of their works remain (many of them having been seized
by Israel).

Yet there is much to learn from revisiting this era and piecing together
the narrative of Palestinian militant cinema. Off Frame aims to fill this
gap in the collective memory. Unearthing films stored in archives across
the world after an unprecedented search, the film begins with popular
representations of modern Palestine and traces the works of militant
filmmakers in reclaiming image and narrative through revolutionary and
militant cinema. In resurrecting a forgotten memory of struggle, Off
Frame reanimates what is within the frame, but also weaves a critical
reflection by looking for what is outside it, or what is off frame.

Director Mohanad Yaqubi draws on recently-discovered and archival found
footage to explore the tumultuous history of Palestine and Palestinian
filmmaking in this timely and insightful documentary.



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