My Grandfather’s Way (2020)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Nizar Hassan | 210 minutes
My Grandfather's Way (Tariq sidi) is a walk through the physical and temporal landscape of Palestine by one solitary Palestinian in the company of a sound engineer and a cinematographer. He crosses paths with a few friends, but constant remain the voice and vista of Nizar Hassan himself and his backpack, walking his homeland inch by inch while telling us the story of his grandfather.
The film deals with the story of the Palestinian Nakba from a different angle, through a unique journey of a Palestinian director who follows the steps of his grandfather (his master) on the path of his old trade between northern and southern Palestine, to explore the impact of the villages destroyed or changed to become Israeli, and to record the memory of the inhabitants of the land, the original and the settlers.
The film is an epic narrative, quietly more eloquent than the proudest of Mahmoud Darwish's epic poetry. Hassan here no longer feels compelled to prove anything. He has bypassed Israel and delivered to the world an ode to the rooted beauty and proud longevity of his homeland.
The documentary was screened on Aljazeera in 3 parts
Part one: (Arabic, no subtitles)
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