Coffee Pot (2018)

Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Thaer Azzah | 9 minutes


by Thaer Al-Azzah, fiction 9 min. Palestine 2018

Jum’a lives in a refugee camp. He gets up early every morning and goes to the refugee camp’s gate, where he makes his living selling coffee. He needs a second job but the only job opportunity he gets is to demolish the house of another Palestinian, before the Israeli occupation forces do it and make the owner pay for it.
As the filmmaker says: “I want people to pay attention to Jum’a and not just to pass by him without even seeing him, as usually happens”.
With the delicate touch of its black-and-white photography, the film powerfully shows people’s lives at the margins of society and raises an ethical question: may a person who makes his living selling coffee on credit actually have the
freedom to turn down a job that forces him to betray his principles?
The short film has been presented to Palestine Filmer C’est Exister (PFC’E) and in the Al-Ard Doc Film Festival official selection.

Thaer Al Azzah was born in Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem.
He graduated in Visual Art and Film Production from Dar Al-Kalim University (Bethlehem).
He directed three short films: Close your eyes, I’m not a number, and The Knife, all screened at the PFC’E in 2017.