Avenge but one of my two eyes (Nekam Achat) (2005)

Origin: Israel France | Documentary | Director: Avi Mograbi | 100 minutes

Avenge but one of my eyes (Nekam Achat)

Avi Mograbi Documentary Israel/France 2006 104 min.
English | Arabic | Hebrew with English subtitles

In one thread of this complex film about myth, memory and nation, the
Israeli director Avi Mograbi attempts a hesitant, frequently interrupted
phone call with a friend, who is under curfew in Palestine. In another, we
follow tourist trails where guides recount triumphant stories of Jewish
resistance against the Romans on Mount Masada or Sampson, who crushed
himself and his oppressors beneath the temple as he said the prayer that
forms the documentary's title. Mograbi's provocative juxtapositions allow
this film to pose important questions about Israel's origin story and its
impacts on occupied Palestine.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX84_d7XbEM

Watch full movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99Iy-IapIdY

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