Art and Apathy (2008)

Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Jessica Habie | 18 minutes

Art and Apathy
Jessica Habie
"Art and Apathy" features several of Israel and Palestines most respected
artists, as well as a diverse range of underground voices.
"Art and Apathy" is a film project that documents the complexity of life in
Israel and Palestine as experienced by local artists. Despite the unending
cycles of ideological and physical violence propagated by the mainstream
media and politicians, the artists featured in our films choose to produce
work that provokes dialogue. Through their eyes our film examines several
political and social elements that are often oversimplified in
international media. Defining terms such as the green line, the right to
return, Palestine 48, Intifada, Zionism and other key concepts, we present
audiences with the political ideologies and historic identities that
structure life in the Middle East. Focusing on artists who's work inspire
alternative persepctives, we venture into intimate spaces and access
visionary voices who have transcended the political rhetoric.

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