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Archaeology of Ownership / ארכיאולוגיה של בעלות
Archaeology of Ownership / ארכיאולוגיה של בעלות (2012)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Noga Almi Hantke | 9 minutes

The film examines the way that ownership of archeological history in Jerusalem acquires validity in the present through ownership of the land

Area C
Area C (2018)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Salah Abu Nimah | 10 minutes

Young Hussain is trying to defend his house from the settlers so he can stay there with his parents

Area Time
Area Time (2019)
Origin: Jordan | Documentary | Director: Tasneem Abu Sokkur | 8 minutes

Youssef Ashish is a young man who faces numerous obstacles that put a strain on his dream of boxing

A Reel War: Shalaal
A Reel War: Shalaal (2021)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Karnit Mandel | 60 minutes

An Israeli archive rearcher finds never-before-seen footage about historical events of the conflict from the Palestinian viewpoint.

Arna's children
Arna's children (2003)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Juliano Mer Khamis | 84 minutes

Arna Mer Khamis was a legendary Israeli activist against the occupation

Around (2007)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Mohanad Yaqubi | 3 minutes

A journey with four young filmmakers through more than 500 Israeli checkpoints

Art and Apathy
Art and Apathy (2008)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Jessica Habie | 18 minutes

Features several of Israel and Palestines most respected artists

Arthur Balfour and me
Arthur Balfour and me (2007)
Origin: UK | Documentary | Director: Charlotte Cornic | 11 minutes

What links Arthur J Balfour and Fatima, a young Palestinian woman, born in 1971 in a refugee camp?

Art in Ramallah
Art in Ramallah (2017)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Raja Kanaan | 6 minutes

How an artist uses the walls and ruins of his city to express himself artistically

Art/Violence (2013)
Origin: Palestine USA | Documentary | Director: Batoul Taleb, Miriam Abu-Khaled, Udi Aloni | 75 minutes

After the assasination of Juliano Mer-Khamis in Jenin a group of young radical artists try to redefine their identety