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A Perfect Day For Banana Leaves
A Perfect Day For Banana Leaves (2017)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Yavin Rubinstein | 26 minutes

ananas are grown in the north of Israel and destined for Gaza Strip. What must the bananas go through before they reach their destination?

Apples of the Golan
Apples of the Golan (2012)
Origin: Ireland | Documentary | Director: Jill Beardsworth | 82 minutes

Apples of the Golan tells the epic story of Majdal Shams, one of five remaining Arab villages in the Golan

A Private Death
A Private Death (2020)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Marianna Bar | 57 minutes

A Private Death tells of the great love story between Haya Schreiber, a sixth-generation Jaffa-born Jew and Tewfic Hanania, a Christian Orthodox Jerusalem-born Arab that began in 1930s Jerusalem

Aqabat Jaber: peace without return?
Aqabat Jaber: peace without return? (1995)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Eyal Sivan | 61 minutes

The right to return of the Palestinian refugees

Arabani (2013)
Origin: Israel | Fiction | Director: Adi Adwan | 82 minutes

Newly divorced from his Jewish wife, Yosef (Eyad Sheety) returns to his hometown

Arab Labor
Arab Labor (2013)
Origin: Israel | Fiction | Director: Shay Kapun | 48 minutes

Arab Labor focuses on the hilarious escapades of Amjad and his attempts to fit into Israeli-Jewish society

Arab Labor Season 3
Arab Labor Season 3 (2012)
Origin: Israel | Fiction | Director: Shay Kapun | 48 minutes

Amjad and his family’s adventures as they make constant efforts to fit in after relocating from their Arab village to the heart of Jerusalem

Arab Movie
Arab Movie (2015)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Sagui, Eyal | 60 minutes

The movie explores the institution of the Friday afternoon 'ceremony' of watching Arabic film

Arafat & I
Arafat & I (2008)
Origin: UK | Fiction | Director: Mahdi Fleifel | 15 minutes

Marwan is a Palestinian in love. He's finally met Lisa, the girl he's going to marry. Everything about her is perfect - she was even born on the same day as Chairman Arafat! But does Lisa know the significance of this coincidence?

Arba'a Aghani Li Filasteen (Four songs for Palestine)
Arba'a Aghani Li Filasteen (Four songs for Palestine) (2001)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Nada el-Yassir | 13 minutes

Death has become very much part of daily life on the West Bank and Gaza