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To my mother
To my mother (2014)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Ahmad al-Bazz | 0 minutes

Recounts the tale of an entire nation through a personal life-story

To see if I'm smiling
To see if I'm smiling (2007)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Tamar Yarom | 59 minutes

The story of women who served in the occupied territories

To shoot an elephant
To shoot an elephant (2009)
Origin: Spain | Documentary | Director: Alberto Arce - Mohammad Rujailah | 112 minutes

About the Gaza war of 2008/2009 'Operation Cast Lead'

To the Desert
To the Desert (2016)
Origin: Israel Egypt | Documentary | Director: Judd Ne’eman | 90 minutes

The close friendship between two friends was disrupted by a political disagreement: Ne'eman opposed the resettlement of Bedouin tribes, but Sela took part in it: moving these people in order to make room for the re-deployment of IDF bases and air-fields

Touchline (2021)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Mohammed Saffouri | 15 minutes

Ahmad, a soccer player, has to leave his city Haifa behind, and also his dream to play in the Palestinian National Team.Finally, Ahmad unites the refugees with a soccer match in the refugee camp.

Tour de Gaza
Tour de Gaza (2019)
Origin: UK Palestine | Documentary | Director: Flavia Cappellini | 19 minutes

Champion road cycling Alaa from Gaza was hit by an Israëli sniper and lost one leg but didn't give up

Town on a wire
Town on a wire (2015)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Uri Rosenwaks, Eyal Blachson | 95 minutes

Abject poverty has cultivated an environment of racism and violence

Traces on the Rock of Elsewhere
Traces on the Rock of Elsewhere (2000)
Origin: Canada | Fiction | Director: Majdi el Omari | 15 minutes

Salma has received a letter from Palestine, the homeland she left 20 years ago and from which she has not received any news for the past 15 years

Tracing Darwish
Tracing Darwish (2016)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Shira Wolfe | 0 minutes

The movie traces the footsteps of Mahmoud Darwish, searching for his village Al Birwa, as well as the filmmaker’s own experiences in Palestine.

Tragedy in the Holy Land: The second uprising
Tragedy in the Holy Land: The second uprising (2002)
Origin: USA | Documentary | Director: Denis Mueller | 71 minutes

The evolution of the seemingly incurable conflict in Palestine from a historic perspective