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Wherever you go
Wherever you go (2011)
Origin: Israel | Fiction | Director: Ronny Sasson Angel | 63 minutes

Two women on the run for their Jewish Orthodox and Bedouin families

While We Waited For You
While We Waited For You (2020)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Muayad Alayan | 7 minutes

A short diary captured by Muayad Alayan during the Covid-19 lockdown when the director and his journalist wife await the birth of their child

Whispers of the Cities
Whispers of the Cities (2014)
Origin: UK | Documentary | Director: Kasim Abid | 62 minutes

Three different cities of the Middle East, Erbil, Ramallah, Baghdad

White oil
White oil (2013)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Judy Price | 60 minutes

Documentary about the quarries in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Wifi Rider
Wifi Rider (2020)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Roxy Rezvany | 13 minutes

A young Palestinian turns to the internet as he struggles to shape his identity under the pressures of life in East Jerusalem.

Wilders: the movie
Wilders: the movie (2010)
Origin: Netherlands | Documentary | Director: Joost van der Valk - Mags Gavan | 70 minutes

Examination of a global alignment of farright and Islamophobic political forces

Window (2017)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Ali Okeh | 7 minutes

A young boy makes plans for the ultimate trip

Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt (2019)
Origin: UK | Documentary | Director: John Pullman | 62 minutes

Accusations of antisemitism against Jeremy Corbyn and other Labour leaders

With Abu Jamal
With Abu Jamal (2019)
Origin: Norway/Denmark/Palestine | Documentary | Director: Siri Nerbø | 36 minutes

The social arena of a cigarette shop in Ramallah

Within the Eye of the Storm
Within the Eye of the Storm (2012)
Origin: Palestine/Israel | Documentary | Director: Shelley Hermon | 52/68 minutes

Two fathers, one Palestinian, one Israeli, lost their daughters but find comfort in their friendship