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Tears of Gaza
Tears of Gaza (2010)
Origin: Norway | Palestine | Documentary | Director: Vibeke Løkkeberg | 83 minutes

Record of the 2008-2009 bombing of Gaza by Israeli forces

Tel Aviv on Fire
Tel Aviv on Fire (2018)
Origin: Israel/France/Luxembourg/Belgium | Fiction | Director: Sameh Zoabi | 97 minutes

Palestinian soap-writer has plot dictated by Israeli army officer

Tell your tale, little bird
Tell your tale, little bird (2007)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Arab Lutfi (also Loutfi) | 90 minutes

A documentary about 7 Palestinian women fighting for liberation in the sixties and seventies, filmed in 1993.

Temporary (2016)
Origin: Unknown | Fiction | Director: Nasser Samara | 31 minutes

Palestinian-Mexican-American actor is forced to deal with his insecurities in a world quick to stereotype

Ten Bell Tolls
Ten Bell Tolls (2017)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Eli Rezik | 24 minutes

A 10-year old boy in Bethlehem is threatened by separation from his grandmother

Tension (1998)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Rashid Masharawi | 26 minutes

The palpable sense of tension that he perceives below the surface of daily life for the Palestinian population during the period of the "peace process."

Terrace of the sea
Terrace of the sea (2009)
Origin: USA Palestine | Documentary | Director: Diana Allen | 54 minutes

The historical experience of a bedouin community

Territories (2007)
Origin: Canada | Documentary | Director: Mary Ellen Davis | 65 minutes

Photographer Larry Towell's multiple notions of territory – forbidden territories, occupied territories, creative territories, and territories of refuge.

Testimony (2011)
Origin: Israel France | Documentary | Director: Shlomi Elkabetz | 80 minutes

Testimonies of soldiers, officers and Palestinians are presented by some of Israel’s top actors

Teta, Opi & Me
Teta, Opi & Me (2018)
Origin: Canada/Jordan | Documentary | Director: Tara Hakim | 25 minutes

The artist captures her grandparents’ enduring romance through social, political and racial adversity