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Waiting for Giraffes
Waiting for Giraffes (2016)
Origin: Netherlands Belgium | Documentary | Director: Marco de Stefanis | 84 minutes

The only Palestinian zoo left is now seeking for international recognition and to replace its lost giraffes

Wajib (2017)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Annemarie Jacir | 97 minutes

Tense relationship between father and son

Walah's Corner Store
Walah's Corner Store (2014)
Origin: USA | Documentary | Director: Amina Waheed | 25 minutes

"Walah" runs a small corner store in Englewood, one of Chicago's poorest neighbourhoods

Wall (2017)
Origin: Canada | Documentary | Director: Cam Christiansen | 79 minutes

About the impact the wall separating Israel and Palestine has had on the people of the region

Walled Citizen
Walled Citizen (2019)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Sameer Qumsiyeh | 79 minutes

Palestinian filmmaker explores the world and meets other freedom seekers

Walled Off
Walled Off (2022)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Vin Arfuso | ? minutes

Subject of the film is The Walled Off Hotel, designed by anonymous artist Banksy, and is located in Bethlehem. The hotel is named after the West Bank Wall, built by Israel to separate Palestinians and block their entry.

Wall in Dehaishah
Wall in Dehaishah (2017)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Wisam Aljaafri | 2 minutes

If the camera is set on any wall in Deheishah, it will be like this film.

Wall Piano
Wall Piano (2020)
Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Asma Ghanem, Christopher Marianetti, Alexia Webster | 3 minutes

Part music video, part magical realism, Wall Piano shows a daydream of a child who lives under the shadow of a separation wall.

Walls Cannot Keep Us From Flying
Walls Cannot Keep Us From Flying (2021)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Jonathan Mehring | 13 minutes

Two Palestinian youth seek personal freedom through skateboarding while growing up under occupation. They wish to spread their love for skateboarding throughout their communities and help skateboarding progress in their country.

Waltz with Bashir
Waltz with Bashir (2008)
Origin: Israel | Fiction | Director: Ari Folman | 90 minutes

26 years after the massacre of Sabra and Shatila a now 45 year old former soldier looks back in therapeutic animated flashbacks