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The Turtle's Rage (Schildkrötenwut)
The Turtle's Rage (Schildkrötenwut) (2012)
Origin: Germany | Documentary | Director: Pary el-Qualqili | 70 minutes

The story of a mysterious man whose life has been molded by flight, expulsion, and exile

The Unrecognized
The Unrecognized (2019)
Origin: Israel | Documentary | Director: Anna Oliker | 48 minutes

When the Israeli government forms a plan to urbanize Bedouin villages in the Negev, the lives of 120,000 citizens are on the verge of radical change

The Upper Gate (Bawabat Al-Fawqa)
The Upper Gate (Bawabat Al-Fawqa) (1991)
Origin: Palestine | Documentary | Director: Arab Loutfi | 90 minutes

The Israeli occupation of South-Lebanon in 1982

The Urgent Call of Palestine
The Urgent Call of Palestine (1973)
Origin: Lebanon | Documentary | Director: Ismael Shammout | 5 minutes

Restored documentary about Kamal Nasser, poet and freedom fighter, assassinated in 1973

The Veiled Hope
The Veiled Hope (1994)
Origin: France | Documentary | Director: Norma Marcos | 55 minutes

The personal and political challenges facing Palestinian women

The View
The View (2008)
Origin: Unknown | Fiction | Director: Hazim Bitar | 16 minutes

The View tells the story of an Israeli sniper who takes aim at an unsuspecting Palestinian couple

The Viewing Booth
The Viewing Booth (2019)
Origin: Israel USA | Documentary | Director: Ra´anan Alexandrowicz | 70 minutes

In a laboratory-like setup, The Viewing Booth recounts a unique encounter between a filmmaker and a viewer

The Village under the forest
The Village under the forest (2013)
Origin: Unknown | Documentary | Director: Mark Kaplan - Heidi Grunebaum | 55 minutes

The real story of the Nakba through the hidden remains of the destroyed Palestinian village of Lubya

The Visit
The Visit (2023)
Origin: Jordan | Fiction | Director: Ali El-Saadi | 8 minutes

A young woman is helping her mother to overcome the absence of her son.

The Voice of a Condor
The Voice of a Condor (2014)
Origin: USA Chili | Documentary | Director: Heba el-Attar | 45 minutes

Explores the history and culture of Chile’s large community of Palestinian Christians